Thursday, August 13, 2009

mission explorers

We are in the planning stages of a new project. With Tallu being in Nicaragua for a year, working in several community development programs (thanks to Church World Service and Week of Compassion), we want to explore possibilities of an ongoing relationship between Vine Street and Tallu's partners in Nicaragua.

After Christmas, we will send a group of approximately seven women and men (youth and adult) to meet some of the people Tallu has been working with, to listen, look, and learn.

I can't tell you how excited I am about this project and its promise.


  1. It's so important to me that VSCC is sending a group of explorers rather than conquerors or know-it-alls. Letting the Spirit move through the listening, looking and learning will bring new insights that we've yet to discover about ourselves and/or the world around us. This is big.

  2. another incredible opportunity for us to be church, church! yes, this is very big!
